Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day One

Day one. I know I am not going to get a whole lot accomplished today because of school work and wedding DJing tonight, but it is day one. I'll get some push ups and atomic crunches in. Somewhere.

That's the challenge though. That's why we live in a fat society. Life is "too busy" to be healthy. To busy to cook a good, wholesome meal, too busy to exercise.

And for me, that's the paradigm I want to reverse. Life is now too short not to exercise. Life IS short, but if it is too busy to live healthy, aren't you just shortening it more?

5'8" (the Marines took an inch somehwere in my five years of service, I used to be 5'9")
210. Max weight in the USMC for a male of my height.... 186. I have a ways to go.
100 sit ups time.... unkown
max push ups... unknown
fit or fat... fat

This weeks goal: Run twice, 2 miles each. Push ups and atomic crunches every day. No snacks.